Travel, draw, write!
During some of my travels I succeed quite easily to draw almost everyday. Never as much as when I'm at the studio, of course, but I...
Voyager, dessiner, écrire
Lors de certains voyages, je parviens sans trop de difficultés à dessiner tous les jours. Jamais autant que lorsque je suis dans mon...
5 tips for hanging your art work
A few month ago, I decided I should improve my hanging skills. It wasn’t so bad, but I had the feeling it could be better. So I made a...
What are flowers made of?
How much can you change a flower and still see the flower? What is reality? What is the most important characteristic of a flower? Is it...
Birth of a Petunia
I used news paper this time. And I can tell there are too many pictures in news paper nowadays!